

2024-04-17 09:43:32 来源:海衡服务网 作者:admin


  1. 关于节约用纸的英语作文(200字以内,最少100多字)?


From learning to life, we can not do without paper, and paper-making raw materials are mainly bark and other plant fibers, but because people blindly cutting. Now less and less trees, so we have to save paper, everybody, from little things around us."Saving paper" concept for us, than to save water and electricity to seem a little distant. Few people know to save paper and protect the ecological environment is directly related. Each of us every day in the paper, with a variety of different types of paper. You counted it? How much paper you use every day? How much paper you one week? How much a month to a year to use your paper? The result is amazing. A piece of paper come from? Paper is from a tree "change" to the. A tree often takes decades to be a long human use. Human beings are relentless, the sound of saws, into dozens of older trees crashing to the ground. Those timber and transported to paper mills, into a piece of paper. Paper to bring the convenience of mankind, but to the forest caused great impact.

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